Certified Professional Inspector
Rely on our certified team of experts for your home inspection needs!
Rely on our certified team of experts for your home inspection needs!
New Day Home Inspections was founded by a certified Home Inspector with over 30 years of experience in the home improvement industry.
We pay attention to detail and professionalism as we inspect your home. We check for double taps in electrical panels, for open grounds, open neutrals, open hots, hot ground reversal and hot neutral reversal electrical circuits.
We work closely with your Realtor to assure that you're aware of any issues that need attention. We provide a comprehensive report of the entire inspection. Our report includes photos and commentary.
Home inspection includes infra-red camera imagery in assessment of temperature differences within the structure. This capability assists in monitoring electrical equipment, windows, and other elements of the structure.
Home inspection includes roofing systems and components such as truss systems and engineered lumber I-Beams and versa lam. Photos are included in final assessment report.
Home Inspections are completed using COVID-19 certified safety guidelines. MBE/DBE/SBE certification with the state of Maryland. * New Construction Walkthrough Assistance
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If you have questions or special requests, just drop us a line. We look forward to doing business with you!
P.O. Box 21262 Catonsville, Md. 21228
newdayhomeinspections45@gmail.com 410-925-7427- Cell 410-788-0723-Office
Monday - Saturday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday: Closed